Battery De-Mister®Battery Additive Quantity Chart

For best results, the layer of Battery De-Mister®in each cell must be at least 1/2 inch deep for deep cycle batteries and 1/3 inch deep for starting batteries. Below are pre-calculated values for many common battery models.
Calculation Formula
NOTE: If your specific battery type is not listed in the chart, use the instructions below to calculate the amount of Battery De-Mister® to add to each cell of the battery.
- Remove the vent tube cap from a cell, and make sure the electrolyte is up to the proper full level, or 1/8 inch below the bottom of the vent tube well. If level is low, add distilled water to raise the level, then charge the battery before proceeding.
- Insert a non-metallic object, such as a popsicle stick or the tube of a hydrometer, straight through the acid to check the depth of the electrolyte to the top of the plates.
- Remove the measuring device and place it alongside a ruler. Measure the length covered by the acid. Write this number down.
- Using a battery hydrometer, remove the electrolyte from one of the cells down to the top of the plates, placing extracted electrolyte into a glass or plastic measuring container. (DO NOT USE A METAL CONTAINER.) Measure how many ounces of fluid you have removed from the cell. Write this number down.
- Divide the number of ounces removed by the depth of the electrolyte in inches to calculate ounces per inch. Divide this number by two (2) to determine how many ounces of Battery De-Mister® will need to be added per cell.
Battery De-SulfaterBattery Additive Quantity Chart

The solution of Battery De-Sulfater and electrolyte in each cell must be at a specific concentration to work properly. Below are pre-calculated values for many common deep cycle battery models.
NOTE: The values and formula provided below refer to deep cycle batteries and should not be used for other battery types.
CAUTION: Starting batteries have thinner plates than deep cycle batteries. If you are treating a starting battery, use at least 1/3 less than the amount calculated or shown in the chart below for your specific starting battery model.
Calculation Formula
NOTE: If your specific battery type is not listed in the chart above, use the formula below to calculate the amount of Battery De-Sulfater to add to each cell of the battery.
Battery De-Sulfater Volume Calculation formula
((w * 2.5) ÷ c) ÷ 30 = s
w = Weight of battery, in pounds
c = Number of cells in battery (e.g., 3, 6, 12, 18, 24)
s = Number of fluid ounces of Battery De-Sulfater to add to each cell
Multiply the weight of the battery (in pounds) by 2.5, then divide this number by the number of cells present in the battery (e.g., 3, 6, 12, 18, 24), then divide this number by 30. This is the amount of Battery De-Sulfater to add to each cell of a deep cycle battery. If treating a starting battery, use at least 1/3 less than the amount calculated.