Golf Car & Utility Vehicle

My partner and I own Forest Lake Golf Club in Ocoee, Florida. We are celebrating our 20th year anniversary this year. We have been EZ-Go Golf Cars users since our opening—leasing our carts until 3 years ago when we purchased our fleet.
During this time, we have had battery replacement needs typically after 24 months. With the purchase of our current fleet—we were made aware of the ThermOil Battery De-Mister product. We installed this product within one (1) month of receiving our fleet. We are currently in our 38th month of running these carts and have only replaced one set of batteries. All of our carts are ranging between 23,000 to 26,000 amp hours and still performing. We are a Daily Fee Course open 365 days a year and average around 45,000 rounds per year.

We are a Bad Boy Buggie Dealer in MS. We have been using De-Mister and De-Sulfater for the past 4 years. Prior to using De-Sulfater we would replace batteries that were at 75% state of health. Now batteries with a state of health as low as 60%, almost always recover to 100% state of health which prevents customers having to purchase new batteries.

Battery De-Mister ? Answer: ABSOLUTELY !!!
My only regret, I didn’t know about this product sooner. I have been building Custom Golf Carts for the last 7 years. I have seen the damage that untreated batteries can cause. From the corrosion on the terminals, cables, connectors, forward & reverse switch, right down to the frame. Since I’ve started using Battery De-Mister in the past couple of years, I no longer have any problems with batteries. No more acid gets out during charging, this alone is huge ! But the product does so much more. I’ve seen a drastic reduction in the amount of time spent adding water, the amount of water consumed, and no more corrosion Period ! I now use it in every cart I build, no exceptions !!

Dear Terry,
I just wanted to drop ya’ll a note to tell how much I have enjoyed my BB. I bought a 2006 model ( SS# BBE514B3865002238) barely used from a guy here in Oxford, Ms in march of this year. He claims he had only 2 full charges on the batteries. I was skeptical at first of the range this buggy would extend me at my Ms. River club due to the vast road system we have. However I would give it a try. My first initial outing after a full charge on the batteries, the buggy went 18.5 miles before it locked down into crawl mode which is really a neat feature since I immediately headed back to camp.

Hi Terry,
Here are a few pictures of batteries with ThermOil Battery De-Mister added. I have been using ThermOil in electric golf cars for 6 years. It stopped the corrosion completely. Before I found out about ThermOil we had to junk many golf cars because the frames would corrode and break. We have not had to junk any after using ThermOil in the batteries.

I treated these batteries about 18 months ago. Belongs to my neighbor who only gets to play golf about once a month. These are the kind of carts that really have problems with corrosion because they just sit so much and don’t get cycled.
My golf cart eats batteries, as we live in a very hot, hilly area of California. The 1st set lasted 23 months,the 2nd set 12 months, the 3rd set I paid to upgrade after 8 months, when the company came out with a bigger battery for hilly golf courses. I put in my 4th set two years ago, & added the De-mister. My batteries are still working great.
D K Duggan
Golf Cart Owner -
I would like to thank you for your product. I purchased a 2004 club car precedent golf cart and noticed that the battery life was not at all as expected. Upon further research, the replacement batteries were going to cost me from 800-1200 dollars. I thought I was going to send a fortune getting my cart back running at full potential. A friend at a local cart shop recommended that I do some research on the ThermOil product line. Doing the research and talking with you made me confident that your product would suit my needs. After putting the Battery De-Sulfater into my batteries and patience, the batteries increased their life FROM about 30 minutes TO OVER 2 Hours running constantly. THIS PRODUCT WAS WORTH EVERY PENNY AND SEVERELY IMPRESSED ME. I would honestly implore everyone to delay on buying new batteries and put ThermOil products in their electric carts.
This company will have my business forever.
Thank You!